* * * PROXY INFO * * *

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Micronica has proxy cache installed. The proxy is used to speed up data retrieval from the internet a LOT!. Users who have configured their computer to use our proxy will implicitly browse the information through the cache which has it's own high speed internet data link on our network. Also, recently requested data is first kept at proxy cache, thus shortening the waiting time for data and file transfer. The Proxy Cache facility can easily be turned on or off once it has been configured in your internet configuration at any time for purposes of diagnosing internet or proxy cache problems. Just tell your system to use the configured proxy details or not.

To make use of our proxy cache for FTP and WWW, your browser must be configured correctly. Setup details for both Netscape and Explorer internet browsers are as follows

Netscape Navigator

Microsoft Internet Explorer

Netscape Navigator

  1. Start the browser.
  2. From the pull-down menu "EDIT" select the option "Preferences" then "Advanced", depending on what version you are using.
  3. Select "Proxies" and choose the option "Manual Proxy Configuration".
  4. Click on the button "View...".
  5. Use cache.micronica.com.au as the HTTP, Security and FTP Proxy. Each using Port 3128.
  6. Click OK to save settings

Microsoft Internet Explorer

  1. From the pull-down menu "TOOLS", select "Internet Options"' menu.
  2. Select the "Connections" tab.
  3. Highlight the Internet Connection you want to set the Proxy details for. Such as "Micronica Internet" and click "SETTINGS".
  4. TICK "Use A Proxy Server for this connection".
  5. TICK "Bypass Proxy Server for Local Addresses".
  6. Now click on the "ADVANCED" box.
  7. Use cache.micronica.com.au as the HTTP, Secure and FTP Proxy. Each using Port 3128.
  8. Click OK to save and apply the new settings.
  9. Repeat the above for any other Micronica dialup connections you may have configured in the "Connections" screen. Such as manual or automatic dialup configurations. Microsoft requires every dialup configuration to be configured seperately.