184 Napier Street, South Melbourne, 3205
Tel: 61-3-9699 8844

* * * Spam, Scam, SpamAlert! and AntiSpam! * * *
International Spam Blacklist and Whitelist of IP Addresses and Domain Names of Scams,Spam,Viruses
Also now includes IP Address Firewall Listing of hacking attempts to IMAP,POP,FTP,HTTP

>See and Download the Free Micronica Spam Blacklist<
Mirror Sites:
- Byet Internet
- Infinityfreeapp Internet
- TPG Internet
- Micronica

We don't get paid or charge for this Blacklist. So please think to help and kindly Donate

>Donate just One Dollar to Help Stop Scams and Spam!<

For help with email rejections, requests to get unblocked or any other questions or help regarding spam simply email