Health Facts ------------ Edward's personal notes of so much so often so easily forgotten. ---------------------------------------------------------------- - The magic number of minutes of exercise you need to stay healthty is 20-30 minutes per day - Sleep and Weight Gain When we are well rested, our body produces the right balance of both ghrelin (the hormone that tells us when to eat) and leptin (the hormone that tells us when to stop). Conversely, when you are sleep deprived you will overproduce ghrelin and underproduce leptin, which is the recipe for weight gain. Ref:Sam Wood, Wellness, 8/11/17 - Sleep Magic Studies have proven that too much screen time stimulates the brain, increases brain activity and can interfere with your circadian rhythm. The artificial blue light from your devices can also supress melatonin, the hormone that gets your body ready for sleep. Aim for an hour of screen-free time before bed. Ensuring your bedroom is dark signakls to your body that it's time for sleep and that it needs to produce melatonin. Ref:Sam Wood, Wellness, 8/11/17 - Myth busting (Condensed extracts) 1) Is lots of Cardio best if you want to lose weight ? Don't just focus on calories in and calories out. Train in a way that loses fat not lean muscle weight. Make sure your metabolism stays in an eleveated state and keeps working well after your workout. Cardio can be part of it but is simply not the best way and if only done in long steady form will not give the results you want. To lose fat fast and keep it off do two things: a) there must be some resistance training in ur workouts, as the more lean muscle you have the better your metabolism will work b) high intensity bursts of cardio that spike your heart rate and get you out of your comfort zone are best 2) Does fat make you fat ? Fat has more calories per gram than carbohydrates or protein, but since people cut back their fat intake including polyunsaturated fats obesity rates have tripled. Eat the right fats such as seeds nuts and avocado, quality protein, lots of vegetable and fruit (real food) and avoid high-sugar food and highly processed carbs. 3) Will situps get you a six pack ? Situps are one of many excercises to work your abdominal muscles but you will only see them if they are covered by only a thin layer of fat. Build and strengthen the core from the inside out with controlled functional movements, twisting, bracing, lowering and some situps to build muscle. But make sure you add some fat burning excercises too. Never forget the oldie but a goodie: abs are made in the kitchen. 4) The more excercise the better ? Quality over quantity is better. Make every workout count rather than counting every workout. Consistency, variety and intensity give better results than volume. Unless you are training for an endurance event such as a marathon where preparation specific to the event is key. For the average person 28 minutes/day is the magic number; try to mix up your routine with some high intensity workouts and others that focus more on recovery and mobility. Ref:Sam Wood, Wellness, 2017 - Polyunsaturated Vegetable Sunflower Oil has NO benfitial effect on Heart Health Marker Ref:Michael Mosley: Trust Me, I'm A Doctor - Monounsaturated Rapeseed Oil has NO harmful effect on Heart Health Marker Ref:Michael Mosley: Trust Me, I'm A Doctor - Olive Oil BOTH cheap and Extra Virgin have beneficial effect on Heart Health Marker provided the oil has not been cooked Ref:Michael Mosley: Trust Me, I'm A Doctor - Vegetable Oil has harmful effect on eyes. Animal oils do not. - Burnt toast does NOT increase the risk of cancer significantly. Unless you consume a huge amount about a loaf of severely blackened burnt toast every day - Grapefruit can have a very marked effect on some heart medication such as some Statins. Magnifying the effect of one tablet tenfold - A bath at 40DegC will cause your blood sugar to drop MORE than exercise (but how long exercise ?). Perhaps due to the heating of muscles which mimics the heating from exercise (does that mean it is body heat that triggers the processing of blood sugar not the use of the energy from exercise ?) - One block of 30 minutes of exercise has the same effect of 6 x 5 Minute blocks on blood sugar and blood fat levels. Both result in the same 40% reduction. - Antioxidants in Red Wine, Green Tea and Orange Juice have no improvement effect whatsoever on free radicals which cause constriction and hardening of arteries, when you eat a high fat meal at the same time. The antioxidants do not simply negate the free radicals like some people assume. Ref:Michael Mosley: Trust Me, I'm A Doctor * Prostate What does the Prostate do ? - The prostate is a gland found only in men. It is about wallnut-size, below the neck of the bladder, surrounding the bladder outlet (urethra). Its job is to secrete a milky fluid which becomes part of the semen and nourishes the sperm. As men age, the prostate gland enlarges. This may take many years. For the majority of men this does not create any difficulties but for some this enlargement can cuse urinary symptoms such as - a slow and/or interrupted stream - difficulty starting to pass urine - need to pass urine more often - a feeling of incomplete emptying and, in some cases, - loss of urinary cointrol (incontenence) Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BHP) is progressive prostate enlargement, usually commencing in middle age. About 25% of men will need surgery for this problem. (BHP does not lead to cancer.) Prostate cancer may be found at first without any symptoms. For men, it is the most common cancver, and increases with age. However its is one of the most responsive to treatment. Ref:Australian Government Initiative, Pamphlet 14:The prostate and bladder problems (Date ca.2000) - The prostate gland is surrounded by muscle, which enables it to contract and produce ejaculate. It is located near nerves, blood vessels and muscles that are needed to control bladder function and to achieve an erection. There are two stages of advanced prostate cancer. If the cancer grows and spread outside the prostate gland into the seminal vesicles (glands that lie close to the prostate) or nearby parts of the body, such as the bladder or rectum, it is called locally advanced prostate cancer. Metastatic prostate cancer is when the cancer has spread to distant parts of the body such as the lymph glands or bones. One in five men in Australia are at risk of developing prostate cancer before the age of 85. The risk of prostate cancer increases with age, with the majority of cases diagnosed in men aged 60-79 years of age. It is uncommon in men younger than 50, although risk increases in younger men with a strong family history of prostate cancer, breast cancer or ovarian cancer. Ref: Cancer Council, Booklet "Understanding Prostate Cancer" Date:2016 * Gut Health Personal notes: - Fibre reaches the large intestine undigested. Bacteria there thrives on undigested fibre. Thats one reason why fibre is good for you. - Gut bacteria is effective in fighting alergies such as asthma and food alergies. - If you take anibiotics medication you should consider consuming probiotics. Because the antibiotic will also destroy the gut bacteria. But dont take the probiotic immediately as the antobiotic will consume the probiotic and reduce the medical effectiveness of the antibiotic against the bad disease-causing unwanted bacteria. - Foecal infusion will restore gut bacteria and thereby fight allergies in a matter of a day or two. Bacteria in the intestinal tract play an important part in health and wellbeing. As well as breaking down foods for digestion and nutrient absorbtion. Different people have different sets of bacteria. - Whole foods are best for gut health. Specially those high in fibre, antioxidants and healthy fats such as vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, extra virgin olive oil, nuts, seeds, fish, yoghurt and dairy. - Kimchi: A spicy fermented cabbage and other vegetables. It is fermented, meaning the lactic acid produced by the bacteria inhibits the growth of other micro-organisms, leading to preservation. The bacteria produced means plenty of healthy probiotics that can improve your gut health by reducing the number of disease-causing bacteria in the intestines. - Kombucha: A fermented tea drink made of SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast) water and organic sugar. The SCOBY ferments the sugar producing an effervescent liquid that could be described as diluted apple-cider vinegar full of beneficial bacteria. - Resistant Starch: About 95% of gut bacteria is in the large bowel. The CSIRO says eating resistant starch can help bowels support functions such as absorption of nutrients from food. Resistant starch passes undigested thorough the small intestine into the large intestine where it is fermented by the bacteria. The gas produced is helpful for the integrity of our gut lining. Food with resistant starch include oasts, brown rice, legumes, cooked and cooled potatoes, green bananas and slightly undercooked pasta. Sauerkraut: Freshly fermented cabage. It adds friendly bacteria to your gut. Fresh Sauerkraut, kept refrigerated, has live bacteria and enzymes that help keep the gut happy. Ref:Sam Wood, Fitness, 3/10/18 * Eating beyond the point of being full There is a difference between Over Eating and Binge Eating - Overeating: Portion sizes may be out of whack with intake needs resulting in plate piling and habitually feeling we should eat them absolutely clean. Social or starving situations can also result in mindless excessive eating. Overeating can become a bad habit. The body adapts and becomes used to large portions and it can take substantial adjustment to get back to the right sized portions. To overcome the problem eat from smaller plates to trick the mind into thinking they are larger portions. Eat slowly and mindfully enjoying and tasting every bite, smell and texture. Don't let yourself get too hungry to avoid ravenous overcompenstation. - Binge Eating: Usually non-hungry behaviour dominated by food rules and our relationship with food. Tends to be private and secretive and can be fuelled by shame and self-loathing. Dangerous because it can result in feelings of guilt, shame and feeling of being out of control. Often comes form an emotional place rather than just mindless plate piling. Avoid a restrictive hard-core diet that cuts out everything you like. Don't get used to eating highly processed foods full of refined sugars. Take on a healthier focus and eat real food made with fresh ingredients. Indulge mindfully with something you love to eat. But keep your indulgence to a reasonable portion such as a small handful. Enjoy every second and taste it making the most of every single bite. Don't feel guilty how the indulgence will affect you if you do the above. Then go beack to a healthy food plan without letting it snowball. The best attitude is to just get back on track. Ref:Sam Wood, Fitness, 7/11/18 * Keto Diet Low carb, high fat diet that causes the body to use fat for energy. Consists of plenty of meat, dairy and low carb vegies. After a few days the body goes into a state of keytosis where the body no longer makes glucose from the usual carb sources and uses fat reserves instead. This can lead to rapid weight loss. The good: - Fats are filling and satiating. You feel full and satisfied for long periods. - Helthy fats can bring benefits for skin, hair and tissue recovery. - You eat less sugar by cutting out simple carbohydrates such as in juices, cereals and packed food and refined sugars in food. Simple carbohydrates are dangerous because they convert quickly to fat. The bad: - You miss out on good things like fibre and plant based nutrients. You miss out on essential gut healthy satiating fibre. - You can end up in diet mentality which is easy to slip out from because youre constantly restricted. - No long term solution. Ketosis means the body is technically in survival mode. Staying there too long means your metabolism begins to slow. So its not sustainable long term. - Strict diets like keto often means you put the weight right back on when you return to your normal routine. For long term results stick to a balanced meal plan of real food packed with complex carbs, fats, protein and fibre. That way you will never feel deprived. It is the best way to lose weight and keep it off. Ref:Sam Wood, Fitness, 2019 * Food Improvement ideas Some suggestions for enjoying hearty food fixes in moderation and with a creative healthier twist. - Pizza. Try using a wholegrain wrap as a base. With your choice of topping. Or even a cauliflower base. - Pancakes. Try almond meal and mashed bananas. Instead of flour and those half cups of sugar. To avoid that sugar coma afterwards. - Spag Bol. Try zucchini noodles as a good substitute for the pasta. Or half noodles half pasta. Or if you need a bit more substance use wholemeal pasta instead. Bolognese is a great way to hide vegetable content from kids in the sauce. Finely diced vegies can be snuck in and hidden. Try not to overdo it with the cheese if you can cut back a bit on that. Personal note: Reheated pasta has better food value. See my other notes. - Fish and Chips. For crumbed topping try almond meal, coconut, quinoa flakes or multigrain bread crumbs. Grill or fry the fish in olive or coconut oil and then drizzle with lemon. Swap potato chips with oven baked sweet potato wedges tossed in a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil. - Burgers. Easy to make healthier. Make a burger salad to avoid the bread bun completely. If thats impossible use only one side of the bun, open burger style. Skip the chips for a side salad instead. Personal note: Bread buns are often huge. Simply don't eat one half of the bun. Sometimes its better to discard it rather than eat it. Or just eat part of the second half. Often uou will hardly even miss it. - Curries. Not always the healthiest option but super easy to modify. Go for brown rice or even better cauliflower rice. Add as many vegies as you can. Make the sauce yourself and bulk up the meal with extra steamed vegetables. Personal note: Use vegetable ingredients with good flavour. The taste of full flavoured carrots, peas and spinach can taste surprisingly good when not overcooked but still slightly firm and of textural substance. Use herbs and spices or a spice mix to make it tasty, interesting, aromatic and even a bit exotic. Ref:Sam Wood, Fitness, 1/8/2018 * Food and Mood and Blood Sugar - Grumpiness after indulging in a sugar binge is not always due to regret. But related to a spike and crash in blood sugar levels from refined carbs and sugars. Keeping blood sugar levels stable is a continuous job for your body. Processed treats can cause blood sugar spike highs and crashes as your body works to bring it back down. The spike and crash can leave you irritable and tired. And grumpy. - Skipping meals can affect you much like consuming processed foods by affecting your blood sugar control and a spike in your mood. This is where hunger-anger combined takes over. Skipping meals can also result in overeating at next meal time. Depriving ourself in this way can impact our body's ability to absorb food in the long run. - Tryptophan is one of the most important amino acids to produce our happy hormone, seratonin. Turkey, chicken eggs, milk are sources which can provide sustained mood boosting benefits. Refined carbs can be rich in Tryptopham but avoid them as they only provide a quick and temporary mood boosting fix. - Fibre: Complex carbs and vegetables are great sources of fibre that slows absorption of sugar into the bloodstream and increases seratonin production. Fill your plate with the likes of brown rice, peas and broccoli and snack on raspberries and almonds to feel those mood boosting benefits. - Protein: A protein component in every meal can slow down the body's absorption of carbs which can help lift your mood and energy even hours after you've eaten. Eggs, seafood and poultry are the sources when you want to pack your diet with protein. - Drinks: When trying to stay healthy and happy reduce your intake of stimulants and depressants which can cause feelings of anxiety. Particularly caffeine and alcohol. Instead focus on around 8 glasses of water a day, stick to 1 coffee to avoid those jitters and think of reducing your alcohol intake to a couple of glasses a week. Ref:Sam Wood, Fitness, 23/5/2018 * Energy boost and Food Tiredness and energy can be affected not just by sleep but also nutrition. If you're feeling sluggish try tackling the following to pinpoint the problem. - Under eating: Going from extremes of overeating to under eating is one of the worst things for your body energy levels. Our body needs to keep blood sugar levels stable. Eat balanced and nutritious meals and wholefoods to increase energy and health. - Eating too much: Avoid a food coma after eating a huge meal and wanting to crash on the couch. Instead eat until you are satisfied and don't wait until you are full to stop. (Personal Note: Try reducing portion size. And see if it is still adequate) - Iron and B Vitamins: Deficiency symptoms include tiredness. A balanced wholefood diet is your best bet to cover all bases. Include meat, seafood, green vegetables, legumes, beans, nuts, seeds, wholegrains. - Refined Carbs: Probably the biggest one to reduce the feeling of fatigue. When hungry or tired it only gives us a quick spike of energy, soon followed by a crash. Swap refined carbs for a combination of wholegrain and complex carbs to keep you fuller for longer. - Dehydration: Can cause tiredness. Get at least 2 litres of water a day. - Caffeine: 1 or 2 cups a day is OK. But relying on caffeine to pump you up can cause irritability and anxiousness. Caffeine is a stimulant, so overdoing it can have a negative impact on your adrenal glands and actually cause further fatigue. - Nightcaps: Whilst an enjoyable nightcap like a glass of wine can help you to unwind and fall asleep it isalso a stimulant that impacts your quality of sleep causing you to wake up less than refreshed Address each of the above in isolation and see if it helps to pinpoint the cause. Ref:Sam Wood, Fitness, 19/6/2019 * Vitamin K - Personal Note: If you take Vitamin D for Bone health you should also supplement this with Vitamin K2. To ensure the calcium deposits on ur bones and not your arteries. Vitamin K2 (menaquinone) is found in animal foods and fermented foods. The roles of vitamins K1 and K2 are quite different. It has even been suggested they should be classified as separate nutrients. An important function of Vitamin K2 is to regulate calcium deposition. It promotes the calcification of bones rather than calcification of blood vessels and kidneys. Vitamin K2 activates the calcium-binding actions of two proteins, matrix GLA protein and osteocalcin, which help to build and maintain bones. Calcium build up in the arteries around the heart is a huge risk factor for heart disease so anything that can reduce this calcium accumulation may help prevent heart disease. An animal study showed vitamin K2 (MK-4) reduced blood vessel calcification whereas vitamin K1 did not. In one study spanning 7–10 years, people with the highest intake of vitamin K2 were 52% less likely to develop artery calcification and had a 57% lower risk of dying from heart disease. Another study in 16,057 women found that participants with the highest intake of vitamin K2 had a much lower risk of heart disease. For every 10 mcg of K2 they consumed per day heart disease risk was reduced by 9%. On the other hand, vitamin K1 had no influence in either of those studies. However note that these studies are observational studies which cannot prove cause and effect. 2020 Additionally, an observational study in 11,000 men found that a high vitamin K2 intake was linked to a 63% lower risk of advanced prostate cancer, whereas vitamin K1 had no effect. Ref:April 2008 Katharina Nimptsch, Sabine Rohrmann, Jakob Linseisen A study involving healthy adults showed that a daily intake of 1,120-1,680 IU was needed to maintain sufficient blood levels for K2. Ref: National Library of Medicine K2 Recommended daily intake is 120 mcg for adult men and 90 mcg for adult women. Ref: David The recommended clinically proven amount of K2 is 180ug/day. Ref: Radio 3AW 24/7/22 Gerald Quigley * Bone Density and Exercise Exercise can improve bone density. Specially exercise which generates physical shocks. Shocks signal bone particles to become stronger. Dancing, running, cricket are beneficial. Gymnastics is best. Cycling actually causes weaker spine and hips because pressure and impact is not on bones but on the bum. Ref:Michael Mosley: Trust Me, I'm A Doctor 20/5/21 * Iodine Iodine is best obtained from milk and white fish from which Iodine is readily absorbed. Seaweed Iodine is not as easily absorbed. Ref:Michael Mosley: Trust Me, I'm A Doctor 20/5/21 * Stress and Weight Gain Stress causes release of several hormones including Cortisol that causes release blood sugar for energy. If this is not used by exercise it gets stored as fat and also damages the body causing Diabetes. So stressful desk jobs for extended periods can cause obesity and diabetes. Ref:Michael Mosley: Trust Me, I'm A Doctor 20/5/21 and * Muscle Cramps and Magnesium Use magnesium to prevent muscle cramps. You do not have to take it every day forever. Build up the bone store of magnesium by taking it daily for 3 months and then stop until cramps reoccur as the store is used up. Ref:Radio 3AW Melbourne, Morning Program 23/5/21 * Fatty liver, obesity and cardiovascular disease - Waist-to-height ratio Ideally your waist measurement should roughly be less than half of your height. lculate-your-risk/ o-height-ratio * Mental Health Depression - Roughly a third of patients who take antidepressants do not respond to them. - Feelings of depression described by Laura Delano of "I didn't know who I was. I was trapped in the life of a stranger." Ref: The New Yorker "Bitter Pill" 8/4/2019