184 Napier Street, South Melbourne, 3205
Tel: 61-3-9699 8844


Copyright © Micronica

We don't take blocking of your source details lightly! It makes huge and costly work for us and causes us much grief! You may wish to read more about our policies and the reasons.
If you have been blocked then you have been blocked for a reason. That's for sure. For example your ISP or Company members may have a history of repeatedly spamming our members. Or you or they may have unknowingly or intentionally send numerous Virus emails to our members. Or your computer may have been knowingly or unknowingly been used as an Open Mail Relay by Spammers. We and also other spam recipients may or may not have complained to you. But certainly it has happened from your source and often more than likely more than once. Low incident spam sources may get a detailed courtesy reply in the rejection message. Very persistant spam sources will certainly just get a plain rejection.
You can contact and advise us with your details if your Domain Name, IP addresses, customers etc. have been blocked by our system for whatever reason. We can get you unblocked ASAP!

Check the BLOCKING LIST to see if your domain or IP address is blocked. Or you can just Email or Phone us. Simple!
If you sent us Spam you can get your IP Address removed from the Spam Blacklist quickly and easily. Just email or phone us. And maybe consider to make a voluntary donation as a token of appreciation and/or apology for spamming us :) CLICK HERE to make a volunatry donation and forward the IP Address or Rejection Message at the same time. Quick and Simple!
If you are the SENDER you can get your individual email address UNBLOCKED or WHITELISTED without bothering the recipient very quickly and easily:
By Message: >> Enquiry <<
By Phone: 03-96998844 (From within Australia) or +61-3-96998844 (From outside Australia)
By Email:

We will investigate to see if it can be unblocked ASAP. Please note that if we find you sending Spam or Viruses to our members, even if you have unknowingly contracted a Spam or email virus causing Spam or Virus emails to our members then you will be blocked again! We can obviously not provide repeated reblocking and unblocking service for free. Otherwise we can end up blocking and unblocking some sites all day every day. And do nothing else! We are not trying to be malicious or money grabbing. But we can not cover the huge cost of spam administration for repeat offenders for free. Our priority is to protect email against email Spams and Scams. Not to make life hard for you.
If you are the RECIPIENT MEMBER you can get the sender's individual email address UNBLOCKED or WHITELISTED without bothering the sender. Simply Phone or Email. Easy.

We try to make it pretty simple. But if you need some help Phone 03-96998844 or Email us with your details, Domain Name, IP addreses etc. to get removed from the International Spam Blacklist ASAP.

- Internet and Computer Services -
184 Napier Street, South Melbourne, 3205 Victoria, AUSTRALIA
Tel:(03) 96998844
>>Email Enquiry<<