Technical Advice
If you still can't work out what's wrong after all this, then book in for
a checkup at Micronica :)
For Onsite Service, Advice, Consultation and Technical Support
See http://micronica.com.au/service/
Check out some of our great products. We
don't JUST do Internet !
- Product Support Info and Drivers.
Each product which we support has its own specialised support details. For help, advice,
common questions and downloads.
- The Digital Doctor Speaks to you
This should be your FIRST stop for FREE initial advice about just about
LOTS of free techo advice by Edward Jozis, The Digital Doctor, you can LISTEN to.
Try it !
Tech Talk Segments from the RRR FM 102.7 Radio Show "Byte Into It".
- Edward's Original Cheat
My personal collection of Technical Cheat Sheets for Technical Information and
Accumulated over many years. Happy to share them with you. I
hope they may be of help.
* Edward's Cheat Sheet - Edward's Original General Cheatsheet
* Edward's Cheat Sheet - Windows 10
* Edward's Cheat Sheet - Windows 11
* Edward's Cheat Sheet - Windows XP
* Edward's Cheat Sheet - How to install a Windows XP Networked Printer
* Edward's Cheat Sheet - Windows 95,98,ME
* Edward's Cheat Sheet - Windows - General
* Edward's Cheat Sheet - WiFi
* Edward's Cheat Sheet - VoIP and CODECs
* Edward's Cheat Sheet - Upper and High Memory Block
* Edward's Cheat Sheet - ODI for DOS and Windows 3.1 TCP and IPX access
* Edward's Cheat Sheet - Modems
* Edward's Cheat Sheet - Video Standards and Video Capture Cheat Sheet
- Spam - How to read Full Header information
in Microsoft Outlook
- Email Receive Problems and Spam - Why can't I receive email from some places ?
Maybe they are on our Spam blocking list or some other reasons.
- Spam - Check 100
Automatic Blacklists
Handy tool. Does not check high quality Manual Blacklists but at least
checks 100 Automatic "dumb" Blacklists.
- Proxy Configuration details - To speed up your
Internet Web Browsing.
For Micronica Internet Service Subscribers and Customers only.
- How to get the Micronica Internet Setup "Hint Sheets"
Without having to call Micronica.
- Why does my modem drop out ?
Lots of reasons.
- Modem Self Help Test Kit
You can also get FREE assitance to get your telephone line checked out!
- Call 1800-427454 9am-5pm Monday-Friday for FREE help with telephone line and modem problems!
- Why is my Modem so slow ?
Lots of reasons.
- Why is my Internet Browsing so slow ?
Lots of reasons.
- Why does Win95/98 PPP take so long to connect ?
You are using the lousy default settings.
- Spam - Handling Spam Mail from Yahoo
Report spam mail to Yahoo and forward them the offending email.
- Privacy.Net
Analyse your PC and Internet Connection details.
- ShieldsUp
Check your PC for Internet security and open ports.
- Keycdn
Ping and Traceroute. Good.
- IPaddressguide
Ping and Traceroute. Good but only seems to trace 10 hops.
- Network Tools
Handy Network Test Tools
- Domain Name Utilities
- WHOIS Search
Simple WHOIS utility
- Domain Name Utilities
- paulding.net - WHOIS Search
Simple WHOIS utility
- Domain Name Utility - AUDA Australia WHOIS Search
Official AUDA Australia WHOIS Utility
- WHOIS - APNIC Asia Pacific
Internet Registry Search
Official APNIC Australia WHOIS T:07-38583100
- traceroute.org
Internet trace route utility.
- Telstra Traceroute
Telstra trace route utility.
- Censys Vulnerability Checker
Enter the IP Address to be checked for vulnerabilities.
- Routersecurity Checker
Detects your IP Address and tells you your vulnerabilities.
- Security and Privacy Checker - yougetsignal.com
Open Port Checker, Find out about any persons location details and their email
- Open Port Check Tool - Openappers
Open Port Check Tool to check if any IP Address port is open
- Open Port Check Tool - CanYouSee.org
Open Port Check Tool to check if on your IP Address a port is open, closed or if a router, firewall or ISP is blocking or forwarding ports
- Port assignments - IANA
- Port assignments - Wikipedia
Port assignments and descriptions
- Domain Name Utilities -
Into DNS
Domain Name Search Utility with detailed analysis report
- Network and Domain Name Utilities - Network-Tools
Ping, Whois, Traceroute and more
- Domain Name Utilities - MX Tools
Ping, Whois, Port Scan, Email Configuration and DNS Test Utility and more
- Domain Name Utilities - ViewDNS
DNS Test Utility and more
- MX Check Tool
Uses Google Utilities to check MX Records
- Dan Utilities
- Dan Tor Router List
- Dan IP Sunet Calculator
- Domain Name Utilities -
Whats My DNS
Checks DNS information against a selection of random name servers around the world
- Domain Name Utilities - Aunic
Official aunic.net Domain administration site and utilities such as whois
- Domain Name Utilities - URL Metrics
Domain Name and Website Statistics, Information of Location
- Web based dig
command using Google Utilities - dig
Uses Google Utilities
- Check DNS Records using Windows - nslookup
Example: C:\>nslookup -type=cname -debug www.google.com
- Russian Domain Lookups - Russian Institute for Public
Networks - RIPN
Official Russian Domain administration site and utilities such as whois
- Speed Test - Telstra
- Speed Test - iiNet
- Speed Test - TPG
Internet Speed Test
- SSL TLS Browser Vulnerability Checker
See what SSL TLS versions your browser supports and your Browser Version
- SSL TLS Server Checker
See what SSL TLS versions your Server supports
- ICMP Codes
Internet Control Message Protocol Parameters
- Web based Email Header Analyser
Uses Google Utilities
- Web based
Encode/Decode Utility
Uses Google Utilities to decode such as Base64 and URL
- Check the reputation of Email Sender IP Addresses
- Senderbase Spammers
- Micronica Spammers Blacklist
- DDoS Denial of Service Article
Comprehensive article about what a DDoS Attack is about.
Anti Virus Software - Free
- Spybot and AdAware
Spyware detection and cleaning utility.
>Spybot Site 1< | >Spybot Site 2<
- Microsoft Security Essentials Free Virus and Spyware Checker
- Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool
- Avira Anti Virus Software - Free
- Malwarebytes Anti Virus
and Anti Malware Software - Free
- AhnLab Anti Virus Software - Free
- AVG Anti Virbus Software
- Free
- Virus Total - Upload
and analyse suspicious Files and URL's
- Spyware and Parasite List
Spyware and Parasite descriptions. What they do and how to remove them.
- Cryptolocker Ransomware Article
Comprehensive article about Cryptolocker and how Ransomware is implemented.
How to fix Windows XP problems
- Creating a Windows XP Boot
Floppy for NTFS or FAT
- How to restore Windows XP Boot
- System File Checker Tool
for missing or corrupted Windows System Files
Windows Utilities
- Windows Product Key Finder
- MS
Startups and Autoruns utility
Use it to check what programs and services are started at bootup
- MSI Windows Installer Clean Up Utility
Use it to clear out any remnants of installed programs from Windows
- Linux Commands
Alphabetical Listing of Linux Commands
- Drivers - Drivers Guide
Heaps of drivers. Use Username:drivers or driver1, Password:all to log in.
- USB 2 Information and Drivers.
Heaps of info about USB1, USB2 and Drivers.
- DDL Spot
Serial numbers, Cracks, Downloads.
- Serials
Serial numbers website.
- CrackzPlanet
Serial numbers website.
- crackfind.com
Cracks website.
- Virus Description List
Alphabetic list of virus descriptions and what they do. And removal tools.
- Microsoft Support Knowledge Base.
The knowledge search database has been known to help :)
- Windows NT
problem Site
Lots of bug fixes and utilities for Windows NT.
- Microsoft Windows Updates - Automatic updates using MS Internet Explorer
- Updates for Windows XP (works as at 11/4/18)
- Original old Microsoft Windows Updates Site
- BlueKeep Vulnerability Patch KB4500331 and KB4500705l Update
- faqs.org
If you still need more help. HEAPS of newsgroup resources in one spot.
- Telephone Reverse Lookups
Put in the number and see who it belongs to.